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Friday, January 29, 2010


Mobile is a movable device made by martin copper. Mobile can be divided into two parts hardware and software. Therefore, hardware consist of electronics and mobile parts. Electronics consist of current, voltage, resister, capacitor, diode, coil, transformer and transistor. Mobile is a comunicating device, it is wireless communication.

Philips lasis dicovered the principle of telephone in1816. Alexander Grahm bell invented the telephone in 1876. Galieno marconi demonstrated wireless telography in 1895. Jhon baird transmitted TV signal across atlantic in 1920. Martin copper is the father of mobile phone.
Mobile is generated into four generation.

  • It is heavy and compatible in size.
  • They were half duplex.
  • Valve were used.
  • There is no more features only talking.
  • It is out of date.
  • It is lighter than first generation
  • It consist of many features mainly SMS(short measaging service).
  • Both alphabatic and numeric were used.
  • It consist of small B/W(black & white) picture and smileys.
  • It ws full duplex.
  • It consist of monophonic ringtone

  • It consist of more feature than second generation.
  • It had MMS feature(Multimedia messaging service).
  • It had colour picture video clip, vidieo chating etc.
  • It had poly phonic ringtone as well as internet facility such as WAP(wireless application protol), GPS(general packet radio service), EDGE( Enhanced data rate for Global evolution).
  • It had one more faciclities i.e. data transmission.

  • It will be 3 to 5 times faster than Third generation.
  • It is expected that it will be launched till 2010.
    CELL PHONE is the phone which is connected with the radio signals without any wire. cell phone is developed from cellular technology. cellular technology can be divided into two parts i.e. GSM(global system of mobile communication) & CDMA ( code division multiple acess).
    GSM(Global system of mobile communication)
  • It is used for first time technology.
  • SIM card is used in this technology.
  • IME number is used.
  • Mobile number is free from the set.
  • It consist of many bands such as 850/900/1800/1900 MHz.
  • In nepal for NTC 900MHz & for Mero 900/1800 MHz
    CDMA(Code division multiple Acess)
  • No SIM card is used n this technology.
  • ESN(Electronic serial number) is used.
  • Mobile number is included with the set.
  • In Nepal UTL(United telecom limited) and Sky are providing CDMA.
  • It has high network power.
  • It cost low and gives high performance.
  • It has long life battery.
  • If the set is stolen or missed, It can be found easily
    In some CDMA, extrnal is used which looks like SIM that is called R-UIM (Removable user interface module)

Thursday, January 28, 2010


It took nearly 6 years and 6 months to prpare census report fo Buerau of Statistics for the census conducted in 2018 B.S. by using a calculating device called Facit. Total population at that time was only 96 lakhs. Due to the delay in census calculation, the five year planning was stopped and it could not give the exact figure of population in different districts. For better and quicker dta processing , Government brought IBM 1401on rent(Rs 1lakh 25 thousand per month) for the census of 2028B.S. The machine took 1 year 7 months and 15 days for the processing of 1 core 12.5 lakhs population . TH is machine, however, was not sent back to the owner and government purchased it for further data processing in the Bureau of Statics . For the proper use of the computer and continuous processing, it was essential to operate the computer for days and nights. For same reason, a separate branch was established in2031B.S., which was latr named as National computer Centre. National Computer Center was using Second Generation computer Like IBM 1401. In 2038 B.S., a better Fourth Generation computer was imported with the aid of UNDP and UNFA from England in 20 lakhs American dollars. Its name was ICL 2950/10. With the help of ICL2950/10, The census of 2038 was completetd in 1 year 3 months . This computer had 64 terminals. THis computer lis in the musem of NCC(National computer center), Singh Durbar, since it is out dated. For proper handling and operation of this computer, the British Government trained the manpower of National Computer center and awarded the degree like graduate, post graduate or diploma.
In the meantime, students went to India Thailand and USA for computer studies on their own. In 20369 B.S. the micro computers such as Apple, vector or sirus were imported on pesonnel level. New companies such as Computer Consultanc(c), Management Information processing system(MIPS) and Data System International (DSI) were established. Now, There are many companies which deal with computer traing, servicing , maintainance, upgrading, etc.. Students of every field are intersted in computer. One of the main reason is the prospect of getting a better job. Government employed IBM 1401 in agricultural data processing, industarial data processing , inventory of agricultural bank, provident fund and SLC result processing. As the machine became incapalble of handaling data, in due course of time, ICL 2950/10 was brought in use which was more efficient and was ued for data processing in some other corporation such as tele comunication , Electricity Authority, Janakpur cigratte Factory , Heatuda Cement Factory, Tribhuwan University, etc.
In Kathmandu and Patan only , t is estimated that 90% of the computer are centeralised. Besides, in Bhairawa, POkhara , japha nad almost in all part of countery Computers are used for traning purpose and in offices, schools coleges and also in supermarkets. At the same time, Compute science as a subject has been taught at schools , colleges and univesity level in Nepal.


With the change in time and new discoveries in computer science,human life is no more a static existence. Advancement in information technology , networking and globalization has forced us to remain vary of changes taking place in the world today.
The last few decades of the twenth first century have witnessed the radical changes taking place bothe in our lifestyle and computer technology concomitantly. The change is so rapid that we cannnot use the same software a long time due to the modification in th newer version. Howver, the new version of sftware had basically two distinct advantages :they have simplified menu system and more facilities.
computr are developed as a result of man's search for a faster way to calculate. Computers are very fast because data and instruction are represented as pulses within electronics circuits and they travel at the speed of light. one day s work on a computer would take a person with a hand calculator,more than 2700 yeas. People who cntributed to make this possible were phhiloshoper, inventors, mathematics, programer, etc... Long before machines existed , people found ways to calculate. They used to count using their fingers or arranged stones in piles or row.They drew lines on the ground , cut notches in sticks or tied knots in stings in order to keep track of the quantities of things. As thier need to calculate increased,people sought tools to help them.
Around fifth century A.D., Hindu philosohers developed a new method of counting from 0 to 9. This system of counting is called the decimal method . THe numbers stated above 0 to 9 are the digits. Digit is a finger or toe , and counting on one's fingers is called the digital operation.The vast majority of computers seen today are electronic digital computers and their names suggest that they carry out their work by performing high speed digital operations on data. The first electronic digital computer were built in the mi 1940s. Their forerunners were a number of digital devices, of which the abacus is one. All these began with counting of pebbles, which of course, was the earliest method.
Abacus is portable device that consist of beads strung on wires or wooden rods. Using an abacus one can rapidly and accuraely add, subtract, multiply, or divide large numbers. No one is sure about exaclty when the frist abacus appeared. Historiians agree though, that this device appeared between 2000 and 5000 years ago and that had its origin in ancient china, egypt and grecce . Abacus is still used in some parts of the world today. Abacus has two parts divided by mid bar. The part above the mid bar is called heaven and each bead has a value equal to 5. The part below the mid bar is called earth and each bead on earth has a value equal to 1.